Kevin Spacey: 5 Awesome Performances And 5 That Sucked

4. Mario - Dad

Remember Ted Danson? He used to be in Cheers, and did some films too during the 70s and 80s. Well this is one of those Ted Danson vehicles from a bygone era. Ted Danson plays a busy city executive who finds that his mother may be dying. Like any good son, he rushes home to be with her during her final days. He ends up spending his days caring for his father, and becomes closer to him than he ever was in childhood. His father (Jack Lemmon) learns to be more independent which doesn't sit well with his dying wife. Danson learns the valuable lesson of fatherhood, and reconnects with his own estranged son. Oh, and Kevin Spacey is in it for a bit as 'Mario'. That's the problem, Spacey is barely in it, and when he is in it, he's actually not very good for once. It also doesn't help that the year Dad came out (1989), the much better See No Evil, Hear No Evil also came out, with a much better Spacey appearance.

A Video Game Writer and Editor based in Central London, who has a background in Theatrical Lighting, Directing and Playwriting.