Kevin Spacey: 5 Awesome Performances And 5 That Sucked

3. Lex Luthor - Superman Returns

This must have been the first film to pop into everyone's head. Kevin Spacey's turn as bald and evil mastermind Lex Luthor was a dull point in a dull movie, outlined by the dull acting from lead Brandon Routh (who is thankfully a much better actor when he isn't being told to 'just be Christopher Reeves'). In what should have been a good, if fairly by the books Superman film, every single part of the production and finished film suffered from an apathy and general ennui that was felt clearly by the audience. It was obvious when you were sitting in the cinema that at a certain point everyone in the cast and crew had said to themselves, "ah f*** it, just get it out the door." It really showed. The one exception to that might have been the CGI guys, who seemed enthused to be showing Supes' eye being bulletproof... oh, and Spacey's bald cap, which won two Oscars and a Golden Globe.

A Video Game Writer and Editor based in Central London, who has a background in Theatrical Lighting, Directing and Playwriting.