Kingsman 2: 8 Huge Predictions For The Golden Circle

1. The Golden Circle Isn't Just A Title – It's A Dirty Joke

Kingsman Golden Circle Hary Hart
20th Century Fox

The first Kingsman film was something of a surprise to most. It released without massive hype and yet audiences and critics lapped it up, stunned by how it grabbed hold of its own ridiculousness and created one hell of a spectacle and good time.

To many, however, the close of the film was a major misstep. While there are those who interpret it as subversion, many viewers were turned off by the crass nature of the Princess Tilde's promise to engage in a certain sexual activity with Eggsy upon completion of saving the world. Not only does she offer this reward, but the film actually finishes on a close-up, zoomed in shot of her butt. The reason this didn't sit well with many was because the film had primarily been about subverting and mocking traditional spy tropes, whereas the final scene seemed to be delighting in them.

Regardless, it was a huge topic of conversation and controversy around the time of the first film's release, and it's undoubtedly something Matthew Vaughn and the cast are aware of. With that in mind, given the kind of humour displayed in Vaughn's films, it's likely the title “The Golden Circle” will serve two functions: its narrative purpose and as a way of slipping in a sly wink to the controversy surrounding Princess Tilde's tanned anatomy.

What do you think will happen in The Golden Circle? Let us know in the comments.


Commonly found reading, sitting firmly in a seat at the cinema (bottle of water and a Freddo bar, please) or listening to the Mountain Goats.