Kingsman 2: 8 Huge Predictions For The Golden Circle

2. Kingsman HQ Will Be Destroyed By The Statesman

Kingsman Golden Circle Hary Hart
20th Century Fox

Alongside the sparing plot details we know about The Golden Circle and the few casting announcements, several shots of concept art have also been released. This art includes Julianne Moore's character's villainous lair as well as the Statesman HQ, but there's one piece that is particularly noteworthy.

One painting shows the Kingsman HQ completely destroyed. This is the thing that kick-starts the story, forcing the Eggsy and Merlin to travel to America in order to team up with the Statesman. While it's likely to appear as if Moore's Poppy is responsible, director Matthew Vaughn is no stranger to narrative twists and turns.

The attack will be revealed to have been carried out by the Statesman in a sort of “greater good” scenario, forcing the Kingsman to team up with them in order to defeat Poppy's larger threat. This would be an interesting way of tackling the whole “do the ends justify the means” topic that's regularly associated with America's military policy. It would also be a great second act twist, as we see both sides come to blows before realising they genuinely need each other to stop Poppy. It's easy to imagine a scenario in which, almost defeated, Julianne Moore reveals to Eggsy, Merlin and Hart that they were betrayed by the Statesman, allowing her a chance to escape.


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