Kingsman: The Golden Circle - 10 Early Reactions You Need To Hear

8. Too Over The Top And Reliant On CGI

Kingsman The Golden Circle Mark Strong Taron Egerton
"It is all aggressively stylized, abusively fast-paced and ear-bleedingly loud, relying so heavily on CGI that nothing - not one thing - seems to correspond to the real world."
"This is just bonkers and might actually serve best as a send-up of past spy movies. It’s not like anyone has ever accused James Bond of being realistic, but the Kingsman series has gotten so outlandish that Moonraker suddenly looks plausible by comparison." - Variety.

Nobody referred to the original Kingsman as realistic, and this accusation is even more unlikely to be levelled at its follow-up, according to some of the critics.

The Golden Circle is said to be even more outlandish and in-your-face than its predecessor, too much so for a number of reviewers, who claimed Matthew Vaughn went too far this time. A minority also felt the action scenes were overly reliant on CGI.

Fans were expecting something subversive and offbeat, though one critic actually believes the Kingsman follow-up only works as a parody of the spy genre.

Working on one level is better than not working full stop.


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