Kiss Me Deadly: 10 Films That Feature Necrophilia

4. Mosquito The Rapist (1977)

mos Due to being kicked about as a child by his father, Mosquito is deaf and dumb. He lives a quiet life as a bookkeeper but is subject to derision from his colleagues. Mosquito lives in an apartment full of dollies and his only fun is peaking at a young neighbour who dances below the clouds. He likes to cover his dollies with ketchup, smash them up and then lick the ketchup up. One day, this colourful pastime fails to excite him anymore. He starts a new pastime in which he breaks into mortuaries and drinks the blood of dead young women. Sometimes he likes to take a souvenir - such as an eyeball. The case becomes notorious. When the dancing lady gets a bit too caught up in the rhythm, she dances off the roof of the building and dies. Mosquito is inconsolable. He tries all manner of blood sucking practices on the dead and living but they do not fulfil him. He capitulates to the police. Okay, so he may not hump dead corpses with the vigour of Lucker, but the Mosquito manages to violate corpses in his own sick way - drinking their blood, playing with their entrails and poking out eyeballs. You can't even hate Mosquito or what he does due to his sad, empty life and the abuse he was dealt at the hands of his father. There is a grim and depressing air to the film which is relentlessly downbeat. Werner Pochath does a fantastic job in portraying Mosquito as a tragic figure, not just some sick bastard like Lucker. The film is driven by characterisation and we can really get inside Mosquito's head and understand him. My only criticism is of the title Mosquito the Rapist - at no time does any rape take place in the film.
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My first film watched was Carrie aged 2 on my dad's knee. Educated at The University of St Andrews and Trinity College Dublin. Fan of Arthouse, Exploitation, Horror, Euro Trash, Giallo, New French Extremism. Weaned at the bosom of a Russ Meyer starlet. The bleaker, artier or sleazier the better!