Kiss Me Deadly: 10 Films That Feature Necrophilia

5. Visitor Q (2001)

visitor q This is one of the films in the list that is not exclusively about necrophilia, but rather features it as a side plot. Directed by Japanese genius film maker Takashi Miike, you can always expect weird and transgressive goings on in his films. The film features a Japanese family who are all estranged from each other until a Pasolini - Teorema-style stranger comes into the family and emotionally reunites them with each other. There are transgressive thrills and spills to be had in the film - the father beds the daughter (who is a teen prostitute), the son beats the crap out of the poor mother repeatedly, the mother is turned on to the joy of lactation sex. All jolly fun, I'm sure you will agree. But this is a list about necrophilia so I must skip on to the matter in hand... The father sexually assaults and kills a female co-worker. He puts her body in the greenhouse. As he is deciding how to cut up the woman, he bacomes sexually aroused and has sex with her dead body. He thinks she is getting 'wet' but this turns out to be faeces expelled from the corpse's body. He tries to withdraw but his penis is trapped inside the woman's body due to rigor mortis and he cannot get out. His wife, surprisingly, jumps to his aid and buys oils that don't help. A bath doesn't help either so the wife injects him with heroin (did I mention she is a junkie?). This does the job. Both husband and wife are ecstatic and dismember the body together. It is rare that necrophilia becomes a device for uniting people in films. It is such a repulsive, repellant thing. The above necrophilia scene sounds gross but it is actually very funny (as far as you could find a man with his penis stuck up a corpse's body amusing). It is extreme transgressive black comedy and Miike films it so it is an integral plot device - not just an excuse to disgust and shock. I love this film because it is so bizarre and there are no sacred cows in it. Once seen, never forgotten.
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My first film watched was Carrie aged 2 on my dad's knee. Educated at The University of St Andrews and Trinity College Dublin. Fan of Arthouse, Exploitation, Horror, Euro Trash, Giallo, New French Extremism. Weaned at the bosom of a Russ Meyer starlet. The bleaker, artier or sleazier the better!