Kong: Skull Island - 21 WTF Moments

11. These Indigenous People Never Smile... Apart From This Guy

Kong Skull Island People

The indigenous tribes people of Skull Island appear to be introduced as a means to convince that Kong isn't that much of a bad guy and he looks after them. This is fine, as it helps explain why Kong would help humans as long as they aren't dropping bombs on him.

Unfortunately, the way they're presented is horribly distracting. First, John C Reilly's Marlowe (the best part of the entire film, incidentally) says the people don't smile when Brie Larson's photojournalist takes their picture. Except there's one guy with the camera right in his face beaming a Cheshire Cat grin. You just can't get the Extras these days.

And then there's the stupid moment when the non-locals go to escape Skull Island using Marlowe's salvaged boat (which would have worked if he just had 30 minutes more to work on it in the YEARS since his old Japanese soldier friend died). As the camera follows them, the tribespeople part like waves to allow the cameraman to walk through them. It's just dumb, and in stark contrast to the film-making laws of artful concealment.


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