Kong: Skull Island - 25 Easter Eggs & References You Must See

11. The Flash-Bulb Jurassic Park III Call-Back

Kong Skull Island Tom Hiddleston
Warner Bros.

This may be entirely accidental, but the scene that sees the expositional crew stalked through the green mist by the Skull Crawlers and pteranodon-like flying creatures feels a lot like a scene in Jurassic Park III.

One of the monsters eats John Goodman's Bill Randa, as well as his faulty camera (whose broken flash bulb gives away his position) and then disappears into the fog. The only hint they have of its impending attack is the flashbulb continuing to go off inside its belly, which almost feels like a reappropriation of the dumb moment in Jurassic Park III when the Spinasaurus eats the satellite phone and the ringtone gives its position away.

Incidentally, Jordan Vogt-Roberts revealed that the original plan was for the film to be like a Jurassic Park movie:

"They had a script that took place in 1917 that was a very cool script by Max Bornstein, who's a very talented writer. But it just didn't make sense why it should get made. And Kong was barely in the script. It was originally conceived as a "Jurassic Park" movie, and Kong is like the T. Rex. Like, it's not necessarily his movie. Max is amazing and that script is super cool; it just didn't make sense for me to be like, "Oh, I can direct this movie." So they said, "What movie would you direct? How would you make it relevant?"

So maybe the writers had been watching the franchise?


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