Kong: Skull Island Trailer: 8 Things You Might Have Missed

5. The Anatomy Of The Skullcrawlers

Kong Skull Island Fire
Warner Bros.

Even though it's used as a throwaway joke, the name 'Skullcrawlers' seems a rather odd title to thrust upon the dinosaur-esque creatures. Why 'crawlers'? Why not 'walkers' or 'runners' or 'crushers'?

Well, it's because the Skullcrawlers... are literally crawling. It's not clear at first, but if you slow the trailer down and pay close attention, you can see that they're using their front two limbs to pull themselves forward, with the long tail being used for both balance and as a deadly weapon.

These guys do not have four limbs, and it suddenly makes that name all the more apt. And cool. And... not so stupid, as John C. Reilly's character would have you believe.

And, of course, the 'skull' part of the name is due to the fact that the beasts appear to have some sort of bone growth on the outside of their heads. It's an intimidating, frightening and unique design, and hopefully the Skullcrawlers are put to scarily effective use in the final film - and aren't just cannon fodder.


WhoCulture Channel Manager/Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture. Can confirm that bow ties are cool.