Last 10 Oscar Hosts: Ranked From Worst To Best

10. Anne Hathaway And James Franco (2011)

Quote Of The Night: "I just saw Marky Mark!" - James Franco's grandmother Anne Hathaway and James Franco will forever be known as the worst hosting duo in Oscar history. They had zero chemistry together and Franco's lackluster energy brought the entire theater down. Yes, James Franco is the main reason why they're at the very bottom of this list. He wasn't just a bad host, he acted strangely throughout the entire show. He walked onto the stage with a cell phone in his hand, capturing the crowd on camera. Who does that? Then, throughout the rest of the ceremony, he just seemed uninterested. Hathaway did her best to keep things classy, but she could not save the show. The people to blame for this disaster are the producers. Hathaway has proven that she can be a lively performer, but why would they pair her with James Franco? It really seemed like a cynical move to try to lure a younger audience to the show and it completely backfired. Some people have pointed the finger at Anne Hathaway, saying that she was so hyper that it was hard for Franco to keep up. And by some people... I mean James Franco. He's pretty much the only one who thinks that.

Ken writes movie reviews on his blog, He currently resides in New York City. Twitter: @keng324