Last 10 Oscar Hosts: Ranked From Worst To Best

6. Chris Rock (2005)

Quote Of The Night: "At least they make movies that white people can enjoy. Movies with plots, with actors, not rappers. With real names, like Saving Private Ryan. Black movies don't have real names. You get names like Barbershop. That's not a name, that's a location!" You have to hand it to Chris Rock for even trying to meld his comedic style within the context of the Oscars. Jon Stewart may have had a difficult job when he hosted one year later, but think about the situation Chris Rock was in. After a couple of years where Whoopi Goldberg, Steve Martin, and Billy Crystal were on a regular rotation, they bring in Chris Rock - who's a completely different beast than those comedians. Still, Rock handled himself the best that he could even if there was some minor controversy that followed. And really, the controversy surrounding Chris Rock's Jude Law joke seems pretty lame in retrospect. Jude Law appeared in six movies within a 12-month period at the time and all Chris Rock did was make fun of that. When Sean Penn came up to defend Jude Law, the whole thing seemed absurd. It was a joke, guys! Chris Rock was not at top form at the 2005 Oscars, but he was still very solid. It's crazy to think that he wouldn't be asked to host again because of Hollywood's over-sensitivity.

Ken writes movie reviews on his blog, He currently resides in New York City. Twitter: @keng324