Last Night In Soho: 8 Big Questions Left Unanswered

5. Why Did Ellie's Vision Lie To Her?

Last Night in Soho Anya Taylor-Joy
Focus Features

If you've seen Last Night in Soho already, then you likely know which of Ellie's visions is up for discussion. It's one of the most important scenes in the film, and also probably one of the biggest cheats ever used to force a twist ending later on.

Ellie witnesses a pretty brutal stabbing, and there's really no debate that Sandie is the victim. Jack's gripping the knife, and at one point it even appears that Sandie's throat has been slit. Yet we learn a pretty short time after that this was all one big lie. The problem is that it makes no sense for Ellie to have been shown such a thoroughly falsified version of the past in this one instance.

Supposing it was meant to symbolize the death of "Sandie" as she settled into her role as Alex, would the ghost of Alex's former self need to relay this in such a brutally misleading way? And if it's the faceless victim ghosts that are showing Ellie this vision, they're pretty much just standing in their own way and delaying their revenge.

There's no justifiable story reason for this misdirection. It's a red herring simply for the sake of being a red herring, and it ruins the immersion by telling us more about the screenwriter's motivations than the characters'.


Kieran enjoys overanalyzing and arguing about pop culture, believing that heated debates can (and should) be had in good fun. He currently lives in Fort Worth, TX, where he spends his time chatting with strangers on the bus and forcing them to look at pictures of his dog.