The Last Of Us Movie: 12 Reasons An Adaptation Is A Horrible Idea

12. Weapon Use And Ammo Scarcity

The initially limited choice of guns in The Last of Us eventually blossoms into a quite terrifying post-apocalyptic arsenal. The variety of the weapons, including everything from a revolver to a flamethrower, presents a myriad of gameplay options and constant decisions. One of the best and most realistic features of each harder difficulty in The Last of Us is the increased scarcity of ammunition. This added dimension really forces players to conserve ammo, make their shots count, and be savvy about when and where to use each weapon. This includes knowing just the right time to employ the breakable shivs, a baseball bat, or a metal pipe. The player€™s ability to utilise the weapons they want, when they want, and the ability to customise your weaponry to suit your style of play is a thrilling feature. The shortage of ammo encourages players to thoroughly scavenge for resources and carefully plan out strategies and tactics. An off-hand remark about the importance of saving your ammo might be mentioned in the film, but it will have nowhere near the impact of playing a fifteen hour game with that reality constantly at the forefront of your gameplay decisions.

A chronicler of all things media. A lifelong film and television geek. A tenacious listener of movie music.