The Last Of Us Movie: 9 Crucial Things They Need To Get Right
5. Ellie
"Tell them that... Ellie is the little girl... who broke your f*cking finger."
It is with quotes like that, that Ellie is one of the best female protagonists and younger characters in the history of gaming. It's not through taking on overly masculine tropes or pulling a Lara Croft and hurling herself off the nearest cliff-edge, instead it's from rigidly sticking to her guns and literally having zero fear of the world around her - save for making sure Joel is okay of course. By birthing a character in a world already long past the brink of collapse both socially and politically, it instills a fantastic inquisitive drive present within all children to explore what's around them. Whereas we see (and play as) Joel edging his way through various buildings and collapsed structures, grimacing and still very much aware of the violence left behind, to Ellie these macabre pictures of man's inhumanity to man are an everyday occurrence, and the only time she appears phased is when Joel himself is forced to act right in front of her, battering an attacker or finishing off one of the infected. The entire crux of Last of Us' tale revolves around the portrayal of Ellie, and the audience's need to want to protect her, despite also getting the growing feeling that she can take care of herself; another key reflection on parenthood expressed throughout. Druckmann himself countered many popular fan opinions on the game's ending, stating the themes presented are actually geared more towards female empowerment than what most people took away - further adding to the fascinating amount of depth the game has.