The Last Of Us Movie: 9 Crucial Things They Need To Get Right

3. The Entire Point Of The Story

When the trailer for this drops, if it's anything even closely resembling a zombie-horde, or a reliance on action, or anything other than a complete focus on the characters, they've already lost most of us. The point we're referring to here is the relationship between Joel and Ellie; something that's fostered uniquely well to however many hours you put into the game developing this relationship yourself. This is one of the biggest ways the adaptation will inevitably fall down in comparison - no movie is going to spend 20 hours letting you talk to and hang out with any character. Therein lies the rub, as in relation to the point about the world itself there are many sections in LoU where you are free to go off and explore various interiors of houses (clearing them as you go), inspecting notes and pieces of memorabilia left, and if they can't establish that connection between the need for our protagonist's relationship to strive, the revelatory ending will just not be believable enough.
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