Leonardo DiCaprio: 5 Awesome Performances and 5 That Sucked

5 That Sucked

5. The Quick & The Dead - The Kid

the-quick-and-the-dead-leonardo-dicaprio This 1995 western directed by Sam Raimi, in which a young DiCaprio plays a fast talking, fast shooting gunsmith aptly named "The Kid", is almost a great film. Almost. Featuring Sharon Stone in the lead as a lady gunfighter, Russell Crowe as a jaded henchman and the great Gene Hackman as the local Big Cheese, you would think this film couldn't fail. Considering this was a paint by numbers script, and included Raimi's usual camera hijinks that seems so out of place in an American western, it just ends up firing blanks. DiCaprio as The Kid, is convinced that Hackman's character is his Father, and spends most of his scenes trying to convince himself and others this to be true (much to Hackman's chagrin), he doesn't have much to work with here and is killed off at the hands of Hackman before the 3rd act can start. A sure fire hit that just missed the bulls eye.

Kyle Hytonen is a film school grad, an independent film-maker, photographer and sleeper-inner.