Leonardo DiCaprio: 5 Awesome Performances and 5 That Sucked

4. Gangs Of New York - Amsterdam Vallon

Maybe it was because this was his first time working with legendary director Martin Scorsese. It also may have been because he was sharing scenes with the always imposing Daniel Day-Lewis, or fatigue from such an overlong and troubled shoot, but Leonardo DiCaprio does not seem to be comfortable in Gangs Of New York at all. Playing Amsterdam Vallon, an Irish immigrant in late 19th Century New York, DiCaprio's interpretation of this character seems muddled, right down to his sub par Irish accent. This character, set on exacting revenge against Day-Lewis' Bill The Butcher for murdering his father years before, may have been too much for DiCaprio to bite into, so early in his career. His character is lost in a gargantuan script that has him a follower one moment, then hopping to an outcast and then a leader, and DiCaprio just can't seem to get a grip as to which direction Amsterdam should go. To make matters worse, he shares absolutely no on-screen chemistry at all with Cameron Diaz, who plays his love interest in the film. Their scenes, especially those involving passionate kissing and emotion are as flat and dull as a dead rabbit.

Kyle Hytonen is a film school grad, an independent film-maker, photographer and sleeper-inner.