Life: 7 Reasons It Should've Been A Secret Venom Origin Story

3. The Production Team Has A History With The Spider-Man Universe

Spider-Man Venom
2017 Getty Images

Many of the people and companies involved with the making of Life are, in some way, already connected to the Spider-Man universe or with Venom directly, making it even more astonishing that they didn't realise what they had on their hands.

Writers Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick previously wrote a treatment for a Venom movie - a project that obviously never came together. The duo would go on to breathe new life into the comic-book movie genre with R-rated smash Deadpool, and are currently scripting the sequel.

Additionally, distributor Columbia Pictures has worked on every single Spider-Man movie (excluding Civil War), from the Sam Raimi original to 2017's Spider-Man: Homecoming. Columbia Pictures is a division of Sony Pictures, and Sony is the studio that holds the film rights to Spider-Man and his affiliated characters, including... Venom.

And, while not Spider-Man related, cinematographer Seamus McGarvey shot what many consider to be the finest comic-book movie of all time in Marvel's The Avengers.

In short, if you were putting together a movie about a comic-book character, this is as close to an A-team as you're going to get, and that's without factoring in major stars like Jake Gyllenhaal and Rebecca Ferguson.

This combination of onscreen and behind-the-scenes talent would've been perfect for kick-starting a new franchise, and Sony will probably be ruing that missed opportunity - who knows if they'll be able to assemble an equally fitting team for Venom's proper movie next year.

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