Life: 7 Reasons It Should've Been A Secret Venom Origin Story

1. The Ending Perfectly Sets Up A Sequel

Spider-Man Venom
Columbia Pictures

At the end of Life, it is revealed that the escape pod containing Calvin was the one that landed on Earth, leaving the pod containing Miranda North (Rebecca Ferguson) hurtling into deep space.

Calvin's pod is approached by two fishermen, who peer through its window and find David Jordan (Jake Gyllenhaal) covered in a web-like substance. David's pleas for the fishermen to not open the pod fall on deaf ears, and as they break it open, the movie ends on a shot of several fishing boats approaching the scene.

This means that the alien is safely on Earth, and if it were Venom, it would be ready to find and bond with a suitable host in order to properly become the character in his more recognisable form.

You could argue that Calvin was already doing this with David; it certainly looks like the two are growing closer, so to speak, and since David isn't dead yet, does that mean Calvin kept him alive for a reason?

Whichever way you look at it, the story can easily proceed from here.

The escape pod would have been tracked so somebody on Earth will know there's a chance that Calvin made it down, and in that, there's a cool movie about a government organisation trying to hunt down and destroy Venom that next year's standalone could have exploited.

Should Life have been a Venom origin story? Leave your thoughts in the comments below!

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