Logan: 10 Best Moments

10. "Beware The Light"

Caliban Logan
Marvel Studios

Stephen Merchant sure was a weird casting choice for mutant tracker Caliban, all the more so because writer-director James Mangold allowed him to retain his native West Country accent, but the end result was undeniably terrific.

Caliban gets a number of small scenes throughout the film that build up to him making the ultimate sacrifice when the Munsons' farm is attacked. At this point, Caliban is still imprisoned inside a Reaver van, so decides to detonate two grenades, ending with the awesome one-liner, "Beware the light" (which Donald Pierce said to him earlier in the movie before torturing him).

The resulting explosion kills Caliban and a Reaver inside the van, while Pierce is catapulted several feet outside of it. Sacrificial explosive deaths in movies are pretty cliched at this point, but here it actually worked superbly.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.