Logan: 12 Theories That Were Utter Bull
2. Donald Pierce Gets Turned Into X-24
The Theory: A last-minute avalanche of theories and "spoilers" came down the pike when the movie's soundtrack listing was released about a week ahead of release.
Two of the soundtrack's 25 titles caught fans' interest in particular: "X-24" and "Logan vs. X-24", which made it clear that Logan would be fighting a mutant antagonist at some point.
This combined with the pair of claws attempting to stab Logan in the trailer fanned the fanboy flames, and got some thinking that perhaps after unsuccessfully defeating Logan, Donald Pierce would be transformed into a test subject by Zander Rice.
The Truth: Pierce doesn't undergo any additional transformations throughout the film and honestly doesn't really do much combat-wise against Logan either.
X-24 is actually just a clone of Logan, with a more youthful appearance and short, shaved haircut, who shows up about half-way through the film and has two fights with Logan before being dispatched in the finale.