Logan: 6 Possibilities For The Secret Post-Credits Scene

1. Logan Lives

Logan Trailer Featured
20th Century Fox

Everything about the film suggests that Logan is going to be dead by the time the credits roll: not only does it fit the narrative model of an old gunslinger protecting innocence (see almost every late Western ever made), but it's also obviously Hugh Jackman's performance as the character.

But would Fox ever really kill off their most popular comic book character when there's still massive earning potential in him? It would be like Marvel killing off Iron Man, or DC killing off Batman. In all three cases, the character and the brand are way too big to end with anything as temporary as a change in talent.

So if Logan does die, what's to stop the studio including a tag that actually proves he's still alive? This is Wolverine after all: a character who has survived a nuclear blast in the comics, and whose healing factor basically makes him a God. Death can surely only be a temporary annoyance to him.

How Likely Is It?

Unfortunately, moving the character into the future beyond the existence of the X-Men and into a semi-parallel universe makes it impossible to have future Wolverine appearances in the X-Men franchise. And regardless of how popular he is as a solo hero, Wolverine is still a major draw for ensemble X-Men movies.

So unless Fox find some way of keeping him alive and jumping back to the mainline, this is probably unlikely (assuming he even dies, of course). And it would be a disservice to the emotional impact of his sacrifice if he's immediately revived, wouldn't it Superman?

What do you want to see from a potential Logan post-credits stinger? Share your thoughts below in the comments thread.

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