Logan: Every Major Character Ranked From Worst To Best
3. Laura/X-23

There are some accusations that Logan fails to establish any sort of positive female presence, but those have clearly come from people who didn't watch the film properly. Sure, Laura starts off as a very passive element of the story and she's not really the captain of the narrative until Logan opens his eyes, but that exchange is precisely the point.
She's barely human when she first appears, and it's through her relationships with Charles and Logan that she grows to realise she is more than X-23, despite the conditioning from Rice and Pierce. And Dafne Keen's performance nails both sides of the character: she's guarded, insular, violent and vulnerable - everything that makes Hugh Jackman's performances stand out, in fact.
Her little squeaky voice is as disarming as it is humanising: the revelation that she is just a little girl under all of the anger and the violence comes at exactly the right time to really anchor her into the emotional heart of the film.