Logan Trailer: 6 Ups & 5 Downs From Wolverine 3 Teaser

2. Wolverine Without The X-Men

Logan Hugh Jackman X 23

According to Logan's own words "the world is not the same as it was. Mutants... they're gone now". The X-Men had a pretty strict 'mutants only' policy so we're safe to assume this means they are no more.

Now, Wolverine doesn't necessarily need to rely on the others to be a winner, but so far he has a 50% success rate with one film being good for the most part, and the other being sensory torture. Putting Logan in this apocalyptic world all by his lonesome certainly has story-telling potential and seems like the obvious move, but squandering the chance to see some of our other beloved X-members surviving in this waste land reeks of missed opportunity.

From a purely sentimental viewpoint, not being able to see Hugh Jackman with any of his other cast mates (except Xavier of course) for his last hurrah is no doubt going to sting.


Film Fanatic. Movie Maniac. Cockney Critic. Asserting his opinion wherever he goes, whether it is warranted or not.