Oscars 2016: 8 Awards Contenders To Look Out For At The London Film Festival

3. Brooklyn

What Could It Win? Best Film, Best Director (John Crowley), Best Actress (Saoirse Ronan) Biggest Hope: Best Actress It's hard to not get a little emotional just watching the trailer for Brooklyn, which sees an Irish girl move over to New York and, in the face of extreme homesickness, forge a new life and find love, only to be dragged back home to a whole other world. There's something simplistically honest about this, and the whole idea certainly connects with the typical Oscar idea without going full-bait. Saoirse Ronan (for once using her native accent), has been getting the brunt of the hype, expected to get her second Oscar nomination (this time for Best Actress), but the whole film has been the subject of a lot of praise from Toronto, meaning the sky (or rather, 5am on February 28th) is the limit. Also consider this rather funny bit of coincidence - the Best Actress battle could come down to two romantic discoveries in the backdrop of 1950s New York. Oh, and the next entry...

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.