London Film Festival 2015: The 10 Films You Need To See

9. Green Room

The Pitch: Punk band The Ain€™t Rights are struggling. They're unsigned, and forced to play totally undesirable gigs, including a seedy dive bar frequented by neo-Nazis. Oh, and said racists have just murdered someone in the bar and now want to silence the musicians by any means possible. Why You Should Be Excited: Patrick Stewart is an obscenely versatile actor, and while he is rightly lauded for his blockbuster turns in X-Men and Star Trek, they don't fully show just how far he can go. As the leader of the neo-Nazis, you just know Green Room is going to show his as un-Xavier as physically possible. But there's also the precedent set by Jeremy Saulnier on his previous film, Blue Ruin, which played the festival circuit back in 2013 (although interestingly not London) to rave reviews. Will lightening strike twice? The Buzz: Green Room has been doing the festival rounds over the past few months, getting favourable reviews at both Cannes and Toronto, and now with a distributor attached expect the hype to only intensify. When's It Released? TBA

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.