London Film Festival Day 6: Arrival, Paterson & Dearest Sister

2. Paterson

Arrival Amy Adams
Amazon Studios

Jim Jarmusch delivers another easy, relaxing classic with this outstandingly funny winner about a bus driver (Adam Driver) and poet who wrestles with his pushy girlfriend's insistence that he should share his writing with the world.

Jarmusch tackles the unique subject matter of making art for oneself rather than for others or for money, yet distills a potentially esoteric concept into a sharply-observed character piece that manages to be poignant even though there's barely any tension or suspense to speak of.

The film frequently undermines expectations and serves up a terrific ensemble cast of lesser-known actors to work alongside Driver. It's probably a little too niche and arty to win any Oscars, but it's one of the year's best films either way, and both Jarmusch's screenplay and Driver's performance are certainly awards-worthy regardless. They might have better luck at the Independent Spirit Awards.

Rating: Hysterically funny and true to life, fans of the filmmaker or lead actor can't afford to miss this one. Among a sea of Oscar-baiting movies, here's one that just does its thing without any flowery accoutrements. 8/10


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.