Looper: 20 Mistakes Rian Johnson Should Have Avoided

14. Bruce Willis Gets His Die Hard Powers

Guy Blue brings Willis back to abe, again why not bring in his corpse, he is about to be executed when suddenly he remembers he was John McClain. While completely unarmed, tied-up and outnumbered he still manages to kill everything that moves at the hideout (except of course for Guy Blue). The loopers are professional killers and Willis is a 60 something man. The loopers fire every weapon in the world and can't even graze the guy, did the scripts for the new Die Hard and Looper get tossed together?

Writer and film-nut I'm willing to have perfectly reasonable discussions about the movies I love... on the internet... perhaps I asked too much. Read and comment on my personal blog too at cityuponahillmedia.com/blog