Lord Of The Rings: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Hobbits

1. Sam Followed Frodo To The Undying Lands

hobbits lord of the rings
New Line Cinema

Was there anything more heartbreaking then watching Frodo depart for the Undying Lands and leaving Sam, Merry and Pippin on the shores of Middle-earth? Damn that was tough viewing... Sam had been Frodo's steadfast companion throughout the entire quest to destroy the Ring. He'd faced the Nazgûl, wrestled with Gollum, taken on a giant spider and almost died on the fiery slopes of Mount Doom.

When Frodo essentially f*cked off to paradise, it was sort of a slap in the face to Sam, who had gone through the same torment as his master. But Sam's life wasn't all bad. After the War of the Ring he inherited Bag End, married his buxom love, Rosie Cotton, and had a whopping, thirteen children with her. He was honoured for his work in restoring the Shire after the destruction of Saruman, and was even made Mayor for seven consecutive terms... , not bad for a humble gardener.

Eventually Sam's wife died, however. He resigned his position as Mayor and made his way to the Grey Havens in hopes of seeing Frodo one last time. He was allowed entry to the Undying Lands only because he had carried the Ring briefly when he believed Frodo had died. They were reunited and lived happily ever after...

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Before engrossing myself in the written word, I spent several years in the TV and film industry. During this time I became proficient at picking things up, moving things and putting things down again.