Rob Zombie's directing career has been pretty wild so far. He crashed on to the film scene with the one two punch of House of 1000 Corpses and The Devil's Rejects, then redefined the horror remake with his two Halloween films. Not to mention fitting an animated film and an episode of CSI: Miami in there for good measure. Zombie's newest film is titled The Lords of Salem and it may be his most ambitious and craziest pitch to audiences yet. Little is known about the film beyond the trailer and the tidbits Zombie has offered, but it looks to be one of a handful of films this year to reach horror greatness. With Paranormal Activity's Oren Peli producing on a miniscule budget and Zombie's wife taking the lead role, Salem looks to be a dark and creepy film that will rock audiences starting April 19th. Here's four reasons to expect horror greatness.
4. The Zombies!

No, not those damn Walking Dead guys! I'm talking about Rob Zombie and Sheri Moon Zombie! Rob Zombie has, so far, proven himself to be a formidable horror director with a distinct artistic voice not matched by his peers. All his films have cast his lovely wife, Sheri Moon Zombie, in supporting roles where she has shined as an actress willing to lay it all on the table and shock audiences. Now, Mrs. Zombie has a different kind of role where she can flex her dramatic muscles as well. So far the team-up of husband and wife has lead to some crazy movies and some crazier performances and now that Mrs. Zombie is taking a front and center role in The Lords of Salem, I'm guessing we can expect the most Zombie- esque movie yet. There's been Bennifer and Branjelina and whatever else and I'm not usually one to care for celebrity gossip and silly nicknames for public couples, but when it comes to my movies, it's serious. So, I propose a toast to Shombie. They are reason enough to expect horror greatness.