M. Night Shyamalan's Glass: Everything We Know So Far

7. It's A Rare Collaboration Between Two Studios

Glass Split

It's not often you hear about two rival movie studios coming together to work on a project.

Besides the Disney/Sony Spider-Man deal (that saw the webslinger enter the Marvel Cinematic Universe), it's hard to think of another high-profile case - until now.

It all started with Unbreakable. That film was released by Touchstone - a subsidiary of Disney - in 2000. However, Split was released by Universal. So, Shyamalan had to ask Disney if he could use Bruce Willis' David Dunn for Split's twist ending, since the character is owned by the House of Mouse.

After that deal went through and Split proved to be a huge success, more talks followed and the two studios decided to collaborate on Glass.

As a result, Buena Vista International - another subsidiary of Disney - will distribute the film internationally, while Universal will handle North America.

Isn't it nice when we all get along?

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