Madame Web Review: 1 Up & 9 Downs

Morbius is no longer the worst movie in Sony's Spider-Man Universe.

Madame Web

Kicking off 2024's superhero movie slate we have Sony's Madame Web - the dubiously awaited fourth entry into Sony's Spider-Man Universe, consisting to date of two Venom movies and... Morbius.

Expectations weren't exactly high for the MCU-adjacent franchise's latest installment, but even with that in mind, this is an impressively awful piece of work which somehow plumbs even lower depths than most could've anticipated.

Early reviews have quite rightly panned Madame Web into the ground, because this represents some of the most soulless, un-creative blockbuster filmmaking of recent years.

And though superhero fare has generally had a tough time as of late on the big screen, nothing we've seen lately is nearly as much of a misfire as this.

Despite the potential to acquaint mass audiences with an entirely new corner of Spider-Man lore, it's tough to imagine many coming away from Madame Web caring much at all about the title character or her Spider-Women sidekicks.

2024 is still young, but if this isn't up for a shedload of Razzies next year it'll have to be a really grim year. Even if you're planning to hate-watch this thing, be warned that it's not nearly as much so-bad-it's-good fun as you might have hoped for...


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.