Madame Web Review: 1 Up & 9 Downs

3. The Obnoxious Pepsi Product Placement

Madame Web

While you may not leave the movie wanting to know anything else about Madame Web, you'll surely be left craving a cold, thirst-quenching Pepsi. In the very least, PepsiCo absolutely got their money's worth with how aggressively Pepsi products are shoehorned into scenes throughout the film.

The two most egregious examples involve a baby shower scene where Cassie is shown holding a Pepsi can - logo strategically facing the camera, of course - and the final battle, which oh-so-naturally takes place on the roof of a Pepsi factory. Hell, the Pepsi sign on top of the building even plays a major role in the final fight.

It's embarrassingly on-the-nose even for the standards of creatively bankrupt blockbusters desperate to offset their production costs, and yet at least provides one of the film's few genuine laughs.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.