Madame Web Review: 1 Up & 9 Downs

2. The Lousy Action Sequences

Madame Web

Madame Web could surely deliver some decent action even if the story sucks, right? Nope.

Despite director S. J. Clarkson having helmed numerous episodes of hit TV shows such as Heroes, Dexter, Jessica Jones, and even Succession, she seems completely lost when it comes to delivering kinetically entertaining action here.

Now, it doesn't help that the film wildly overplays the "oh, but it was only a premonition, you see" trick during many set-pieces, but even the basic fighting beats feel clunkily choreographed and shot with little flair. Clarkson's repeated use of James Wan-style 180-degree camera flips feels especially hackneyed and desperate.

Overall there's not much personality or excitement to the relatively minimal action on offer, ensuring that even as a switch-your-brain-off spectacle, Madame Web is basically worthless.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.