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Maggie: 7 Tics In Arnie’s Performance That Make It Great

2. He's A Caged Animal When Threatened

For the most part, Arnie walks around slowly, as if choosing every step carefully, and never really standing to his full, imposing height. It makes sense - he's not a man of violence (unless forced) and there's no call for alpha male posturing in his home haven. But when his house is visited by local cops looking to reinforce the dangers of Maggie's infection (and following up a case of infected neighbours on the loose), Wade changes noticeably as soon as he perceives a threat to his family. He doesn't just vocalise his threat, but also grows visibly and stalks his porch meaningfully, like the lion with the injured paw suddenly needed to remember what he was.

At that point, he's definitely still the familiar Arnie, if packaged slightly different, and that's sort of the point...


In cinemas July 24th, 2015.