Magneto's 10 Greatest Movie Moments

9. Magneto Escapes Plastic Jail - X2 (2003)

The open of X2 finds Magneto spending his days being harassed in a prison made entirely of plastic with only his friend Xavier stopping by occasionally to play a game of chess. The poor guy couldn€™t even get a mattress or a pillow, and has to sleep on hard plastic. This, of course, doesn€™t last too long, and his right hand girl Mystique (Rebecca Romijn-Stamos) helps him escape. Impersonating Senator Robert Kelly, Mystique gains information about Magneto's prison and springs into action. She seduces some hapless security guard at a local bar who also happens to work at the prison Magneto is being held, and after knocking him out in a bathroom she injects him with just enough iron in his blood for Magneto to work with but not enough that it would be detected. The next morning when he goes to work, Magneto takes full advantage. He lifts the security guard off of the ground extracting the iron though his capillaries, killing the poor sap. He turns the iron into tiny metal balls and uses them to tear his cell apart before he hovers out of the prison, like a boss.

Jesse Gumbarge is editor and chief blogger at - He loves old-school horror films and starting pointless debates. You can reach out at: