Man Of Steel: 10 Easter Eggs That Were Secretly Foreshadowing

It's all been planned for longer than you think.

When Zack Snyder€™s Man Of Steel reached cinemas in 2013, audiences were utterly unaware that this was the starting block for a massive cinematic universe which now has a packed slate including Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern Corps, Cyborg, The Flash and two Justice League movies. And it probably won€™t stop there, either. At the time, the main discussion points were Henry Cavill€™s brutal new take on Superman. Why did he snap Zod€™s neck? Why didn€™t he try and move the fight away from such a densely populated area? How many innocent people died during the third act carnage? All this outrage/befuddlement may mean that you missed Man Of Steel€™s hints and teases of things to come. The film was actually packed with Easter Eggs for the eagle-eyed fans, nodding towards almost every DC Extended Universe film that we now know about (and a few that could yet be added to the schedule)€

10. Wayne Enterprises Satellite/Batman Poster - Batman V Superman

Let€™s start with an obvious one: during Superman€™s third act showdown with Zod, the fight at one point relocates up to space. A massive satellite takes some damage, and you can see for a split-second that there€™s a Wayne Enterprises logo emblazoned on there. Bruce Wayne, AKA Batman, won€™t be too pleased. On top of this, it€™s now known €“ thanks to the Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice trailers €“ that Bruce Wayne himself was caught up in the ground-level destruction of this very same fight, in Metropolis. This€™ll be starting point for his feud with Superman in Batman V Superman. A 'Keep Calm And Call Batman' poster is also visible at one stage, further foreshadowing the appearance of Gotham's caped crusader in the next film. While many may have thought these visual cues were just cool nods to the existence of Bruce Wayne/Batman in this world, Snyder was actually dangling the plot of his next movie right under our noses: Wayne witnesses the destruction that Superman has brought to Earth, and will go toe-to-toe with him as a result.
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Easter Eggs
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Film & TV journo. Quite tall.