Man of Steel: 10 Reasons To Be Excited

6. Building a DC Movie Universe

It€™s common knowledge that Marvel and DC watch each other like conglomerate hawks; anything that brings success to one, the other will surely emulate. It€™s been that way since the beginning and it€™s a strategy that€™s brought massive success to both parties. Since the success of The Avengers, DC and Warner Bros. have been chomping at the bit to pull off a similar feat. It€™s been reported that Warner Bros. are looking to create a shared DC movie universe (like Marvel did with the post-credit scenes after every Marvel release in the 5-year run up to the Avengers). It also looks like they€™ll look to begin the construction of this shared universe in The Man of Steel; possibly by having cameos, or at least references to the other DC heroes. A Justice League movie is happening for sure, and you can mark The Man of Steel in your diary as the day they start to build towards it.

Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.