Man of Steel: 10 Reasons To Be Excited

7. CGI is Ready for Superman

The original Richard Donner Superman movies are iconic now and with good reason. They came along at a time when America needed a hero, and by god, they got it. But you€™ve got to imagine that pulling off a visual feat worthy of Superman, back then, was a huge deal €“ entire movies might have been centred around just a couple of big set-pieces. In the comics, stunt budgets have never been a concern and as such, Superman pulls off huge superhuman feats in almost every other panel. But after the Avengers movie, it€™s clear that CGI is at a stage right now at which it can comfortably emulate this on screen. Expect some epic moments from The Man of Steel €“ maybe even, if the final shot of the trailer is hinting at all, a Superman vs. Zod battle in Space.

Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.