Man Of Steel 2: 10 Ways To Make The Perfect Superman Sequel

1. Make Him Superman Already

Man Of Steel 2
Warner Bros.

A lot of the counter arguments as to why Kal-El isn't acting like the Superman we know and love is because he hasn't grown into the role yet. He is still learning how to be a true hero within our cynical world and eventually (probably come Justice League) will have developed and become a more familiar version of the character.

This is clearly an attempt to explain away their fear of pushing the character into the fully fledged Man of Steel because then they won't be able to have him constantly deliberate whether he should even bother. This storytelling direction is the laziest way to draw drama out of the superhero idea, and once he decides to fully commit they'll have to come up with something new. God forbid he might have to stop being so upset all the time and crack a smile, another terrifying prospect.

The origin story is an unfortunate genre obligation. They've done this now, time to move on. Oh wait, we did, and he still hasn't become Superman. Before anyone says it, he shouldn't have to die to make his mind up and have people accept him.

Hopefully he will have made his mind up and become the hero we need by the time Justice League roles around (he does appear to smiling in the promotional image) otherwise Superman won't be the only one who's miserable.

What would you like to see from Man Of Steel 2? Share your thoughts below in the comments thread.


Film Fanatic. Movie Maniac. Cockney Critic. Asserting his opinion wherever he goes, whether it is warranted or not.