Man Of Steel 2: 10 Ways To Make The Perfect Superman Sequel

9. Let's Try Some Optimism

Man Of Steel 2
Warner Bros.

So far the DCEU has been a grey and sullen barrage of negativity and we haven't even had a solo Batman film yet. Suicide Squad tried to course correct at the last minute, coming across as a (much) lesser Guardians of the Galaxy that had clearly never been the intention. You don't hire David Ayer to make a comedic, lighthearted interpretation of a group called the Suicide Squad.

Now this is in no way a suggestion to make Man Of Steel 2: Lazer-Eyed Boogaloo a comedy, far from it. Optimism does not have to mean a peppy soundtrack or laugh a minute quips, the optimism needs to come from Superman himself and his outlook on the world. Yes, the world of 2016 is looking less and less positive as the calendar rolls on, but Superman should be able to see the good in everything.

Or at least put a positive spin on it.

The scene that best demonstrates this from what we've been given so far is the interrogation of Superman by Lois Lane in which he explains that the 'S' on his chest doesn't stand for 'Sadman'. No, turns out it stand for hope and Henry Cavill delivers this line with the starry-eyed optimism that needs to be injected into the sequel.

The fleeting moments of hope from Man of Steel need to be pushed into the forefront and overtake the bleakness. The film can be bleak, Superman should not be.


Film Fanatic. Movie Maniac. Cockney Critic. Asserting his opinion wherever he goes, whether it is warranted or not.