Man Of Steel 2: 10 Ways To Make The Perfect Superman Sequel

8. Reshape Lex Luthor

Man Of Steel 2
Warner Bros. Pictures

Despite attempting to keep the Batman V Superman bashing to a minimum evidently it is an impossible task, so here we go. Lex Luthor was a total misfire and you should hate him. Jesse Eisenberg no doubt did exactly what he was hired to do but the Mark Zuckerberg/Riddler/Joker-lite mutant they were going for did not work and needs to be reshaped if they are to bring him back. Which obviously they need to because he's the arch-enemy.

The dominant theory before BVS was released was that Eisenberg's Luthor would be an irritating child in public leaving his serious, calculating more comic book familiar side for his private time. Unfortunately this was not the case but the idea could still be employed in the Man of Steel sequel.

Having been freshly shaved and thrown in prison, there's no reason why Luthor cannot emerge from behind bars no longer a child, but a man. Having acquired some restraint and maturity but no less hatred for the man in blue, the sequel can and must feature a Luthor more akin to the comics. You know, a Luthor to fear rather than one who would give you his lunch money without much quarrel.

Reshaping Luthor to make him more palatable can even be done on the sidelines making way for...


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