Man of Steel: 5 Reasons It Could Transcend The Comic Book Movie Genre

3. Cinematographyimage The use of the sngle hand-held camera is a technique implemented by Zack Snyder for Man of Steel and is a departure from the usual multi-angle cinematography deployed by most comic book movies and Snyder's previous films. The concept of capturing the majority of Man of Steel's events within a single frame not only gives it a level of intimacy and poignancy - especially the shots on the Kent farm depicting the idyllic Kansas plains - but also roots the film's visuals in a modern context. By shooting the movie virtually all through hand-held filming, the strategy will also give Superman's reboot a close tie to present day. As more and more video is captured through mobile devices, this also grounds Man of Steel in today's world, the inhabitants of whom would obviously use such digital technology to record a flying alien and immediately post to YouTube. Something like this: The color palette of the film often appears gleaned through a blue filter in what we've seen in previews, casting Superman with an indigo hue which helps to emotes a cutting-edge realism and crispness ripe for convincing crowds of the Man of Steel coming to life.


A mild-mannered grad student writing on topics such as film, television, comic books and news.