Man of Steel: 5 Reasons It Could Transcend The Comic Book Movie Genre

2. Villain's Motive

man of steel7 Michael Shannon has gone on record stating that he could sympathize with his character, General Zod's, motivations in Man of Steel. Zod's modus operandi seems to be Krypton, in that he would apparently do anything necessary to ensure the well-being of his people. image Zod appears to be accompanied by other Kryptonians, as well as Faora, and his rampage on Earth, while villainous and dastardly to us, may make sense if seen through Zod's twisted mind. Why Zod comes to Earth and calls out Kal-El remains to be seen. Could it be for Kal's alleged illegal birth back on Krypton? A timeless beef with the House of El? A desire to reshape Earth as New Krypton? But his motivating principle being the good of his men and women gives General Zod, whatever reason for invading planet Earth, cold-blooded logic and cunning brutality going up against the human race. But who will save the day? Here's a clue. And don't insult his mother.


A mild-mannered grad student writing on topics such as film, television, comic books and news.