Man Of Steel: 5 Ways Zack Snyder (Hopefully) Has Grounded It In Reality

1. A Kryptonian-American Life

krypton man of steel

I'm not at all sure how this happened. But a billionaire playboy who dresses up like to a bat to run around at night exacting vigilante justice became more popular than a salt of the earth Midwestern kid who lives by truth, justice and the American way. More than that, he's also an orphan, an immigrant, and the sole survivor of an extinction level event. You haven't really lost everything until you've lost your planet. And yet, we somehow find it more difficult to relate to this guy than the one who once absconded with the entire Russian Ballet to spite a fellow suitor.

If Man of Steel does only one thing right, it should give us a reason to care about Superman and the world he comes from. We want to know Krypton, its people, their character, their beliefs and their motivations. Explain how a planet like that came to fall, and the place Kal-El's parents occupied in that society. Give us good reasons to mourn for the loss of a great society and a great people, and you would have us fully invested in this story.

Do that, and we'll not only believe a man can fly, we'll just believe.

Film, TV, and music fan. Just like you.