Man of Steel: 6 Things It Must Have To Be Super

3. The Decision

To me, Clark Kent doesn't want to be Superman. He's sort of the opposite to Batman in that respect. Clark Kent€™s mask is Superman and even though he has to pretend to be bumbling goof as Clark Kent to cover his secret, Clark Kent the everyman from Smallville is who he really wants to be. So with the save taking place in Metropolis, Clark's struggle with what to do next has always been something I've adored. John Byrne€™s depiction in his Man of Steel origin story comic series is probably the best version of this I've ever seen. Clark goes home to Smallville and talks the situation through with his father and to me the Kent's are an element that's importance to the Man of Steel has to be played thoroughly. Having Kevin Costner in the cast as Jonathan Kent is a wonderful prospect. I can't think of a better actor to do the job as the understanding, supportive father to Clark Kent. Clark's decision to do the right thing has to be handled just right as it's the heart and soul of who Superman is. He alone has the power to help the world but that's a lot of pressure to take on and given a very well played moment in the Man of Steel next year, this could be the key to the audience forgetting the goody-goody image of Superman and will actually give them the opportunity to grasp the core of what makes this Superman tick.

4. Lois and Clark

This element is really the franchise's bread and butter. Superman isn€™t going to trade in for a younger model in the next film or play the dating game like most of our big screen heroes. There€™s one girl for Superman and it€™s Lois. If all accounts are to be believed, Amy Adams is going to remain a redhead for the role, which is a brave move for the forever brunette character but this bold decision can be accepted if we believe Clark Kent would love the feisty reporter with a knack for getting into trouble. This relationship has to work and come with chemistry in spades. Rarely has this ever been really captured. Generally Lois is a little too mean to Clark to believe the attraction. Other times Lois can feel more like a liability. Smallville€™s Erica Durance has been my personal favourite on screen Lois and how the show€™s writers handled Lois and Clark€™s romance was totally believable. Convincing us of Lois€™s love of all things Superman and generating enough support between the pair to believe they would be the perfect coupling the more established Superman becomes. Getting Lois and Clark right is about as important as getting Superman himself right in my mind. If we love this pair, we€™ve won half the battle when it comes to loving this movie.

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