Man Of Steel: 8 Ways Batman V Superman Will Make It Better

2. It Will Show How It Set The Tone For The DCEU

While some comic book movies have been praised for their grittiness and dark interpretations, Man Of Steel really wasn't. Some people claimed that, while a dark and gritty Batman movie works, a dark and gritty Superman movie simply isn't right (look at the old Christopher Reeve Superman movies as examples of how those people believe Superman should be done). Man of Steel had death, destruction and a plethora of negative emotions that fans don't really associate with the classic Superman stories from the comic books - but that's what Zack Snyder was trying to do with the DCEU franchise as a whole and Man Of Steel was simply setting the tone. Batman v Superman will be the first movie that proves that. Thematically, it will be dark and gritty. It will have a "real world" feel to it and it will have death and destruction as recurring themes (someone important will die, though we can't say who yet) - and that will be the case with Suicide Squad, Wonder Woman and every other DCEU movie thereafter.
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Man Of Steel
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.