Man Of Steel: 9 Points In Defense Of A Truly Super Film

As the winter of 2012 approached, we were treated to our first full trailer for the film, with some heavy emotion AND our first look at Superman in full costume, as well as the unveiling of Michael Shannon as General Zod: Spring 2013 would arrive, and the next official trailer was released, along with our first listen to Hans Zimmer's brand new score for the film and also with our first look at Russell Crowe's Jor-El, Amy Adams Lois Lane, the planet of Krypton itself, a sampling of the action that awaited fans...and the unveiling of a symbol for hope: And in early June 2013, a final trailer would appear online, showing a bit more of life on Krypton and much more of the action that would fill the final third act of Man Of Steel: When you couple these breathtaking trailers with the multiple TV Spots, the epic Wal-Mart promotional tie-in, and the onslaught of interactive viral marketing that all took place (YOU ARE NOT ALONE), the advertisement for the film was 2nd to none, even allowing for Man Of Steel to nearly recover it's entire production budget before the film even opened, due in very large part to the multiple promotional tie-ins. Some have called it overkill; but you must remember that when you are tasked with relaunching this iconic franchise and attempting to pave the way for the future of the DC Universe on film in this post-Nolan Bat Trilogy world, all the stops must be pulled out and 100% effort given to return the Man of Steel to his rightful place among the cinematic pantheon of of comic book heroes. And the minds behind this film were absolutely successful in doing just that. And now let's take a look at the Man Of Steel story that's told, created from the mind of writer David S. Goyer...


From and currently living in Appalachia - Love just about all things Pop Culture