Man Of Steel: How To Easily Fix Snyder's 10 Biggest Mistakes

5. Superman's Inaction

supermaninactionThe Problem This might come as a surprise given all the action in the movie. But actually, Superman is a bit inactive in this movie. We see this great instance of him training and the build-up with the music and him flying and it seems like we€™re about to jump in to Superman taking charge of his life and his destiny€but then we see him back in Smallville, still in hiding. And then it€™s not until Zod turns up that Superman appears. For far too long, Jor-El is more active as a hologram than his son is and that€™s a problem. There should have been more of Superman taking charge and being proactive instead of being reactive. The Fix You don€™t necessarily have to have Superman make a public appearance as he did in Superman: The Movie or Superman Returns where there€™s this big reveal of him before cameras, but when that scene in the arctic ends with him flying over the world, then transition to him flying around the world, saving people, stopping crimes, averting disasters, all of that. Show us that he€™s being active and he€™s not just being forced to do this. For that matter, get rid of Jor-El after the initial explanation of Clark€™s past and then let€™s not see him again. Superman should have to figure this stuff out on his own, he shouldn€™t just have to call up his space dad whenever he has a problem

Percival Constantine is the author of several novels and short stories, including the Vanguard superhero series, and regularly writes and comments on movies, comics, and other pop culture. More information can be found at his website,